Hi there, your little person here. Now I am not a philosopher but I have been waking up an hour ago reading the words of a philosopher in order to sound smart in conversations. I mean who wouldn’t be intimidated by someone who casually quotes Camus and Voltaire. Yes they did sound good and offensive but they are usually respected, don't they?
Still, I came across a vision in the pursuit of philosophical enlightenment. The view of Solipsism.
Solipsism is a philosophical concept that only the human mind is certain to exist.
A person who thinks only of himself could imagine that the whole world exists on the basis of his own imagination. That he made the truth in his head and everything out of his mind is not.
It's a confusing idea I can't lie but it made me wonder.
I started to do crazy things that we usually enjoy.
What if we are solipsistic?
What if we thought the earth existed. What if the people of the fictional characters we made. What if we designed life. What if we live in our own minds and the laws of nature are just clever explanations to cover the holes of a crazy plot.
Let’s assume we can’t imagine? Let’s enjoy solipsism for a moment.
What if we did everything? So I came here to ask you a few questions because I can't answer them myself, you probably know better:
How did you gain gravity? Why was there no controversy? Is it possible to be confused about the structure? Or is this a distorted way you have chosen to prove a point? Where does everyone go down without giving them to anyone who will blame them? Fighting all humanity while blaming the invisible for the invisible? The reason I think that’s writing laziness, and I think that’s bad. Are we too lazy to write?
How did we come up with the music? How does communication create vibrations and vibrations of sounds? How do sounds make music and if we do everything then how do we get lost in hell in our creation?
What inspired you to come with the sun and the stars? What did you think of ice cream and chocolate?
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